We're so glad you're here!
Bert and Ernie are our Bernese Mountain Dogs. We live in Minneapolis and love exploring our region with the pups. You can count on us to share recommendations for weekend itineraries, dog friendly places to stay, and outdoor activities.
We're outside all year long, even in our cold Minnesota winters. Most weekends, you can find us going for a hike and checking out a local brewery. So far, we've visited more than 60 of Minnesota's state parks! In the summer, Bert and Ernie are often in and around the water swimming, paddleboarding, kayaking, or boating with us. In the winter, we take them along on snowshoe hikes.
Click in to the blog to find dog friendly road trip ideas, outdoor adventures, Midwest weekend inspiration, and more!

![Leaf cleanup brought to you by @tavour [ad]
Crisp fall days and leaves call for crispy beers on the deck when the hard work is done 🍻
#ernieoftheday #bertoftheday](https://scontent-iad3-2.cdninstagram.com/v/t51.29350-15/464840873_912944616834638_2440867937377756546_n.jpg?stp=dst-jpg_e35_tt6&_nc_cat=106&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=18de74&_nc_ohc=bj97NsfcbFQQ7kNvgFuJkMe&_nc_oc=AdgQlTfXPgyHbiEFmU35TekyJ7dIjg5s2FbVBWat9cdd8dyj5zMHSR_21X-NgTE6_u4&_nc_zt=23&_nc_ht=scontent-iad3-2.cdninstagram.com&edm=ANo9K5cEAAAA&_nc_gid=AjXWw5-0j5WLhrlTkuS7T0V&oh=00_AYBhFhzY3ibCtF377oybhdFsxpAQN_iSbhYoJFsSWkfDkQ&oe=67B59EC4)
![Leaf cleanup brought to you by @tavour [ad]
Crisp fall days and leaves call for crispy beers on the deck when the hard work is done 🍻
#ernieoftheday #bertoftheday](https://scontent-iad3-2.cdninstagram.com/v/t51.29350-15/464840873_912944616834638_2440867937377756546_n.jpg?stp=dst-jpg_e35_tt6&_nc_cat=106&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=18de74&_nc_ohc=bj97NsfcbFQQ7kNvgFuJkMe&_nc_oc=AdgQlTfXPgyHbiEFmU35TekyJ7dIjg5s2FbVBWat9cdd8dyj5zMHSR_21X-NgTE6_u4&_nc_zt=23&_nc_ht=scontent-iad3-2.cdninstagram.com&edm=ANo9K5cEAAAA&_nc_gid=AjXWw5-0j5WLhrlTkuS7T0V&oh=00_AYBhFhzY3ibCtF377oybhdFsxpAQN_iSbhYoJFsSWkfDkQ&oe=67B59EC4)